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Find Your Local Vatman

Head Office | 7 Sheffield Place | Onekawa, Napier | PO Box 3183 | Napier, 4142 | 0800 804 104

Click on a region for details.

Whangarei, Northland


Auckland South

Bay of Plenty

Taupo, Rotorua

Hawkes Bay

Gisborne, East Cape

No Service, For Sale


No operation in the area


Wayne Jacobsen
021 377 324
[email protected]


Manawatu, Central HB


Hutt Valley & Kapiti Coast


Nelson, Blenheim

West Coast

West Coast


Brian Cook
021 662 799
[email protected]

Christchurch Hood & Flue Specialists
Ricky Lee
022 623 4754
[email protected]


Queenstown, Central Otago

Scott McDonald
027 246 3886
[email protected]

Otago, Southland Hood & Flue Specialists
Office Manager: Alecia Gosnell
027 425 9467
[email protected]


Chris Clinch
021 051 4525
[email protected]

Otago, Southland Hood & Flue Specialists
Office Manager: Alecia Gosnell
027 425 9467
[email protected]

Invercargill, Southland

Cookright Southland
Area Manager: Dean Vanderklei
027 274 9788
[email protected]

Otago, Southland Hood & Flue Specialists
Office Manager: Alecia Gosnell
027 425 9467
[email protected]

Find a Location

Click on a region for details.
Head Office Unit 2, 82 Austin Street, Onekawa, Napier PO Box 3183 Napier, 4142
Call: 0800 804 104

Become a Franchisee

As a result of rapid business growth, Cookright Filtering Services has exciting franchise opportunities available.

You can contact us today for our free Overview Pack and to find out more about joining our professional Cookright team.

You can order your Cookright Cooking Oils by contacting your local franchisee for pricing and minimum orders

Become a Franchisee

As a result of rapid business growth, Cookright Filtering Services has exciting franchise opportunities available.

You can contact us today for our free Overview Pack and to find out more about joining our professional Cookright team.

You can order your Cookright Cooking Oils by contacting your local franchisee for pricing and minimum orders